Flash Sale - Only AUD$39

Usually $69

A 2.5 hour workshop on female arousal, pleasure anatomy & the secrets to unlocking your true orgasmic potential. 

Every woman possesses the innate capacity to experience ecstatic pleasure, multiple orgasms & deep sexual aliveness.


The Female body is truly a magical, sexual masterpiece designed for mind-blowing sexual experiences.


And yet…


Majority of women do not experience this.


And if you’re one of them, please know…


This isn’t because you’re broken.

Or something is wrong.


This is simply because of a lack of comprehensive sex education that has left you (and most women!) in the dark about the true potential that lies between your legs.


This is simply because you’ve never been truly taught about the magical, sexual masterpiece that is your Pussy!!!!


It’s time for that to change!!!!



I didn’t know where or what my clitoris was until I was 18.

I faked orgasms for years because I felt embarrassed about not knowing how to have one. 

For a long time I thought the G-Spot was a ‘myth’ (and now it’s one of my favourite pleasure zones).

I had no idea where or what my cervix was until I was in my 20’s.

I’d never really truly looked at my vulva until about 6 years ago.

And that sad thing is…

I’m not some kind of anomaly.

This is most women’s experience.

 We live in a world which is deeply deprived of education & knowledge around a woman’s pleasure & Pussy. 


In fact, it was only 20 years ago that the actual size of the clitoris was discovered & mapped. 

Why does this matter?

Well, pleasure fucking matters.

Women living wildly sexually expressed matters.

And a woman that does not know the truth of what lies between her legs  is a woman not only  disconnected from her pleasure but from her power.

And so, the lack of education around female arousal & sexual anatomy continues to perpetuate culture where women feel broken, powerless & small. 

When I began to learn about the true anatomy & nature of my Vulva & Vagina…

My entire existence changed. 

I not only went from faking orgasms & having 'good' sex...
To orgasms & sexual experiences that were MIND-BLOWING.

But I began feeling a POWER as a woman I'd never felt before. 

It was so strong that I decided to become a sex coach so I could teach women to activate their own Pussy power too!

Understanding (and then studying!!!!!) the space between your legs is the doorway to the pleasure & orgasms you were designed for!!!

It’s time to awaken the magical, sexual masterpiece that is your body!  

ONLY $39 (usually $69)

This workshop is for the woman who… 

  • Desires to experience multiple different orgasms in her body 

  • Is pre-orgasmic (a.k.a. yet to experience an orgasm) or struggles to experience orgasm

  • Feels like she ‘takes too long’ in the bedroom

  • Holds shame around her vulva and/ or sexuality 

  • Is ready to reclaim her power & understand her body 

  • Struggles to feel turned on & ready for sex 

  • Desires to experience more mind-blowing sxx 

This is for the woman who… 

  • Is pre-orgamsic (a.k.a. yet to experience an orgasm but desires to) 

  • Desire s to experience multiple different orgasms in her body 

  • Struggles to feel turned on & ready for sex 

  • Holds shame around her vulva and/ or sexuality 

  • Is ready to reclaim her power & understand her body 

  • Feels like she ‘takes too long’ in the bedroom

The education in this workshop (if practiced!) will transform the way you experience pleasure, sex & orgasm forever!

You'll learn…

  • The true anatomy & power of your Vulva & Vagina True map of your sexual anatomy - this stuff they should have taught us at school.

  • How to move through any shame around your Vulva

  • Why foreplay is so important for women

  • Where to find the "illusive" G-spot 

  • The multiple orgasms available to you as a woman (there's 7!!!)

  • The key to feeling aroused & ready for sex 

  • The 3 key ingredients to orgasm

You'll learn…

  • The true anatomy & power of your Vulva & Vagina True map of your sexual anatomy - this stuff they should have taught us at school.

  • Move through any shame around your Vulva

  • Why foreplay is so important for women

  • Where to find the G-spot

  • The multiple orgasms available to you as a woman

  • Understand how a women’s body is aroused

  • 7 types of orgasms

  • 3 ingredients to orgasm


It’s time to discover the secrets of your arousal & awaken the magical, sexual masterpiece that is your body!



Big Love,

Big Love,